Helping Busy Creatives Work Smarter, Slow Down & Play More :)


Hey! I'm Rik. Long story short, I’m an independent SEO-PR consultant and founder. Previously a strategist at one of the UK’s top digital marketing agencies, I now use my expertise to fund initiatives supporting mental health & creativity.

I used to work hard and fast. I used to think: "if I can just hit that target/get that pay rise/take that holiday/win that award, then I'll be happy"

After 7 years in a "successful" career making money for my clients and myself, I achieved all these external goals... and experienced burnout.

Now, I focus on helping people learn from my experience through training, connecting, creating and celebrating. I work smarter. I slow down. I play more. 😎

Check out the services and products below to see how I can help you.


SEO-PR Training

From Search Insights to PR Measurement. My training helps PR agencies and in-house teams improve the business impact and quantify the value of digital PR.

SEO training for PR →


A coworking & coliving place that gives you space to be creative, work at your own pace and create valuable connections with inspiring people.

Rural coliving near Lisbon →


Nutrition is fundamental to mental health, but isn't prescribed because anti-depressants are so profitable for big pharma. So, I worked with experts to develop HAPS as a natural way to boost serotonin and support mental health.

Feed your happy →

Red Stars

The Red Stars are time travelling sonic renegades here to save the future. RS07 aka HAPSMAN is a relentless optimist, insurgent pharmacist and disco dancing DJ.

Stay Free. Burn Bright.